Though all our gins capture the bold, adventurous spirit of Orcadians, Arkh-Angell has a truly unique story behind it. The name not only pays homage to our family’s proud seafaring heritage, but also tells the fascinating story of “Archie Angel” – the boy who escaped death.
Around the year 1730, a time before lighthouses and other navigational tools, a ship washed ashore at Rammigeo on the Head of Aikerness in Westray. Tragically, everyone aboard the ship perished, except for a young child.
Over time, the details of his rescue have become somewhat unclear. One version says he was found tied to his mother’s body, while another claims he was saved by being tied to the back of a large dog that swam ashore. Regardless of which version is true, the boy’s survival remains nothing short of miraculous.
The locals discovered that the ship had sailed from the port of Archangel in Northern Russia, based on a nameboard found in the wreckage. Since no one could identify the the child, he later became known as “Archie Angel”.
Not long after his rescue, the boy was taken in by a childless couple, who resided in the house of Seaquoys. Following their death, Archie would go on to inherit their croft and have a family. For many generations, the surname "Angel" was carried by families living at Sequoys. The last couple to bear the name were George and Mary Angel. While the surname eventually died out, many descendants of Archie continue to live on.
Centuries later, the tale of “Archie Angel” inspired the name of a legendary Westray fishing boat. The “Arkh-Angell,” owned and skippered by our company founder’s late father, Kenny Bain, continues to hold a special place in the hearts of many islanders. Born and raised in Westray, Kenny was one of the forward-thinking Orcadian skippers of his time who, as a cohort, developed a fleet of Orkney based whitefish boats that became highly regarded across the industry.
It therefore seemed appropriate, when exploring how best to continue The Saga of Kirkjuvagr Gin, that we somehow pay tribute to "Archie" and our own seafaring heritage. Our Storm Strength Orkney Gin, Arkh-Angell, does just that. It retains the same characteristics of our Origin Gin, but at 57% ABV, its increased strength brings new depths to its complex flavour profile.
Full product details can be found here.